
Relationship Terms

Adopted: To take into one's family, as son and heir; to take and treat as a child, giving a title to the privileges and rights of a child.

The sister of one's father or mother; correlative to nephew or niece.


One who has food or diet statedly at another's table for pay; or compensation of any kind.


See Brother-in-law.

Brother: He who is born of the same father and mother with another, or of one of them only. In the latter case he is called a half-brother, or brother of the half blood.
Brother-in-law: The brother of a husband or wife; also, a sister's husband.
Cook: One whose occupation is to prepare food for the table; one who dresses meat or vegetables for eating.
Cousin: One collaterally related more remotely than a brother or sister; especially, the son or daughter of an uncle or aunt.
Daughter: The female offspring of the human species; a female child of any age.

The wife of one's son.

Domestic: One who lives in the family of another, as hired assistant; a house- servant.

a. One who hires and cultivates a farm; a cultivator of leased ground; a tenant.

b. One who is devoted to the tillage of the soil; an agriculturist; a husband-man.

Father: One who has begotten a child, son or daughter; generator; next male ancestor; male parent.

The father of one's husband or wife.

· A man who marries a woman having children already, is popularly called their father-in-law.

G.Daughter/Granddaughter: The daughter of a son or daughter.

The mother of one's father or mother.


The son of a son or daughter.

Gr.Dagt: See G.Daughter/Granddaughter.

A father's or mother's father; an ancestor in the next degree above the father or mother in lineal ascent.

Help: One who helps; especially, a hired man or woman; a domestic servant.

1. A male head of a household; a manager of domestic concerns; one orders the economy of a family; especially, a cultivator; a tiller; a husband-man.

2. A married man; one wedded to a wife; -- the correlative of wife.

Mother :

1. A female parent; especially, one of the human race; a woman who has borne a child; -- correlate to son or daughter.

2. An old woman or matron.


The mother of one's husband or wife.

Neice, Nice, Niece:

1. Formerly, a relative in general, as an aunt; but especially a descendant, whether male or female.

2. The daughter of a brother or sister.


1. A grandson or remoter lineal descendant.

2. The son of a brother or sister.


One who nourishes; a person who supplies food, tends, or brings up; as, (a.) A woman who has the care of young children; especially one who suckles an infant not her own. (b.) A person, especially a woman, who has the care of sick persons.

Orphan: A child who is bereaved of both father and mother; sometimes, also, a child who has but one parent living.
Porter: A man that has the charge of a door or gate; a door-keeper; one who waits at the door to receive messages. A carrier; a person who carries or conveys burdens for hire.
Servant: One who serves, or does service, voluntarily or involuntarily; a person who is employed by another for menial offices, or for other labor, and is subject to his command; a person who labors or exerts himself for the benefit of another, his master or employer; a subordinate helper.

A female whose parents are the same as those of another person; -- the correlative of brother.

Sister-in-law: A husband's or wife's sister; also, a brother's wife.

1. A male child; the male issue of a parent, father or mother.

2. A male descendant, however distant; hence, in the plural, descendants in general.

3. Any young male person spoken of as a child; an adopted child; a pupil; or any other young male dependent.

Son-in-law: A man married to one's daughter.
Step-daughter: A daughter by marriage only.

A father by marriage only.


A son by marriage only.

Supt.: (Superintendent):

1. One who has the oversight and charge of something, with the power of direction; as, the superintendent of an alms-house or work-house; the superintendent of public works; the superintendent of customs or finance.

2. A clergyman exercising supervision over the church and clergy of a district, without claiming episcopal authority. Syn: - Inspector; overseer; manager; director; curator.


The brother of one's father or mother.


One who waits; an attendant; a servant in attendance.

Widow: A woman who has lost her husband by death, and has not taken another; one living bereaved of a husband.
Widower: A man who lost his wife by death, and has not married again.
Wife: The lawful consort of a man; a woman who is united to a man in wedlock; -- correlative of husband. · About this site · Copyright © 2001 - 2006. Trudi J. Abel. All Rights Reserved.