
Occupational Terms

Agent: One intrusted with the business of another; an attorney; a minister; a substitute; a deputy; a factor.

A smith who works in iron, and makes iron utensils; an ironsmith.


Wanting the sense of hearing either wholly or in part; unable to perceive sounds. One who keeps accounts; one who has the charge of keeping the books and accounts in an office.


A hard body composed chiefly of clay and sand, tempered together with water, molded into regular forms, usually rectangular, dried in the sun, and burnt in a kiln, or in a heap or stack called a clamp.

Bricklayer: One whose occupation is to build with bricks: a mason.
Brickmaker: One who makes bricks, or whose occupation is to make bricks.
Brickyard: A place where bricks are made.
Box: A case or receptacle of any size, or made of any material.
Butcher: One who slaughters animals, or dresses their flesh for market; one whose occupation is to kill animals for food

That which carries or conveys on wheels; a vehicle, especially for pleasure or for passengers, sometimes for burdens; as, a close carriage; a gun carriage.

Clerk: An assistant in a shop or store, who sells goods, keeps accounts, &c.

1. One who makes cloths.

2. One who sells cloth or clothing.

3. One who dresses or fulls cloth.

Fulls: To thicken cloth; to smooth, bleach.

Cook: One whose occupation is to prepare food for the table; one who dresses meat or vegetables for eating.
Day Laborer: One who works by the day.
Dealer: One who deals; one who has to do, or has concern, with others' especially, a trader, a trafficker, a shopkeeper, a broker, or a merchant, as a dealer in dry goods; a dealer in hardware; a dealer in stocks.

One who makes it his business to clean, extract, and repair natural teeth, and to insert artificial ones.


One who lives in the family of another, as hired assistant; a house servant.

Drayman: A man who attends a dray.

1. A low cart or carriage on wheels, drawn by a horse, and used for heavy burdens.

2. A rude sort of cart without wheels; a drag.

Dressmaker: A maker of gowns, or similar garments; a mantua-maker.
Druggist: One who deals in drugs; especially one whose occupation is merely to buy and sell drugs, without compounding or preparation.
Editor: One who edits; especially a person who prepares, superintends, revises, and corrects book, magazine, or newspaper, &c, for publication.

1. A person skilled in the principles and practice of engineering. Either civil or military.

2. One who manages an engine; an engine driver.

Factory hand:

Factory: A building, or collection of buildings, appropriated to the manufacture of goods; the place where workmen are employed in fabricating goods, wares, or utensils; a manufactory; as, a cotton factory.

Hand: See Hand below.

Factory manager:

See Factory above.

See Manager below.

Farm hand:


1. A tract of land inclosed or set apart for cultivation by a tenant; a piece of ground farmed out or rented for agriculture.

2. An extended piece of ground, devoted by its owner to agriculture; a landed estate.

3. The state of land leased on rent reserved; a lease.

4. A tract of country farmed out for the collection of the revenues.

Hand: See below.

Farm labor/Farm laborer: See Laborer below.
Farmer: One who farms; as, (a.) One who hires and cultivates a farm; a cultivator of leased ground; a tenant. (b.) One who takes taxes, customs, excise, or other duties, to collect for a certain rate per cent; as, a farmer of revenues. (c.) One who is devoted to the tillage of the soil; an agriculturist; a husband.
Farming: The business of cultivating land.
Farming lab/ Farming, laborer:

See Farm.

See Laborer.

Fish dealer: See Dealer.
Gardener/Gardner: One who makes and tends a garden; a horticulturist.
Grocer: A trader who deals in tea, sugar, spices, coffee, liquors, fruits, &c.
Hand: An agent, servant, or laborer; a laborer trained or competent for special service or duty; a performer more or less skillful.
Hand at warehouse:

See Hand above.

See Warehouse below.

Hardware Merchant:

Hardware: Ware made of metal, as cutlery, kitchen furniture, and the like.

Merchant: See below.

Harness Maker:

Harness: The equipments of a draught horse, for a wagon, coach, gig, chaise, &c; tackle; tackling.

Maker: See below.

Hired laborer/ Hired out:

Hire: To engage in service for a stipulated reward; to contract with for wages; as, to hire a servant for a year; to hire laborers by the day or month.


1. The person who has the care of horses at an inn; -- so called because the innkeeper formerly attended to this duty in person.

2. Any one who takes care of horses; a stableboy; a groom.

Hotel: A house for entertaining strangers or travelers; a hostel or hostelry; an inn or public house; especially, one of some style or pretensions.
Hotel Chambermaid: A woman who has the care of chambers, making the beds, and cleaning the rooms, or who dresses a lady, and waits upon her in her apartment.
Hotel Cook: One whose occupation is to prepare food for the table; one who dresses meat or vegetables for eating.
Hotell Keeper ( Hotel Keeper): One who has the care, custody, or superintendence of any thing; as, the keeper of a park, a pound, of sheep, of a gate, &c.
Hotel Porter: A man that has the charge of a door or gate; a door-keeper; one who waits at the door to receive messages.
Hotel Proprietor: One who has the legal right or exclusive title to any thing, whether in possession or not; an owner; as, the proprietor of a farm, or of a mill.
Hotel Waiter: One who waits; an attendant; a servant in attendance.
House Keeper/Housekeeper: A female servant who has the chief care of the family, and superintends the other servants.
Housekeeping: The family state in a dwelling; care of domestic concerns; management of home affairs.
Hous(e) Mover: Mover: The person or thing that moves, stirs, or changes place.
House Servant: See Servant below.
Insurance/Insurance agt. (agent):

Insurance: The premium paid for insuring property or life.

Agent: One intrusted with the business of another; an attorney; a minister; a substitute; a deputy; a factor.

Jeweler: One who makes or deals in jewels and other ornaments.
Keeping: A holding; restraint; custody; guard; preservation.
Keeping House/Keeps house: See Housekeeping.
Keeps eating saloon: Saloon: A spacious and elegant apartment for the reception of company, or for works of art ; a hall of reception; a large public room or parlor; applied also to halls for public entertainment or amusement; also, to apartments for specific public uses; as, the saloon of a steamboat, a refreshment saloon, or the like.
Laborer: One who labors in a toilsome occupation; a man who does work that requires little skill, as distinguished from an artisan; -- sometimes called a laboring man.
Labors on farm:

See Farm.

Labor: Physical toil or bodily exertion, especially when fatiguing, irksome, or unavoidable, in distinction from sportive exercise; hard, muscular effort directed to some useful end, as agriculture, manufactures, and the like; servile toil; exertion.

Land Lady: 1. A woman who has tenants holding from her. 2. The mistress of an inn, or lodging-house.
Laundress: A female who employment is to wash clothes; a washer-woman.
Lawyer: One versed in the laws, or a practitioner of law; one whose profession is to institute suits in courts of law, and to prosecute or defend the cause of clients; -- a general term, comprehending attorneys, counselors, solicitors, barristers, sergeants, and advocates.
Leaf dealer:

Leaf: One of the three principal parts or organs of vegetation. It is developed by increase at its base from and about the stem, and has a definite shape and limited growth.

See Dealer.

Machinist: A constructor of machines and engines; one versed in the principles of machines.
Maker: One who makes, forms, shapes, or molds; a manufacturer; often, especially, the Creator.
Makes bricks/Making brick:

See Maker.

Brick: A hard body composed chiefly of clay and sand, tempered together with water, molded into regular forms, usually rectangular, dried in the sun, and burnt in a kiln, or in a heap or stack called a clamp.

Makes shoes: Shoe: A covering for the foot, usually of leather, composed of a thick species for the sole, and a thinner kind for the upper part; also, any thing resembling a shoe in form or use.
Manager: One who manages; a conductor or director; one who uses address in bringing about his purposes; as, the manager of a theater; the manager of a lottery, of a ball &c.
Manager in Warehouse: See Manager and Warehouse.
Mantua Maker: A ladies' dress-maker; one who makes women's clothes.
Manufacturer: One who manufactures; a person engaged in the business of working raw materials into wares suitable for use.
Manufacturer of Tobacco/Manufacturer Tb: See Manufacturer. See Tobacco.
Marble dealer:

Marble: Any species of calcareous stone or mineral, of a compact texture, and of a beautiful appearance, susceptible of a good polish; any firm limestone, fitted, either when polished or otherwise, for ornamental uses; also, other rocks of nearly the same hardness, capable of the same uses, as serpentine; also, but improperly, polished slabs of harder rocks, as porphyry, granite, and the like.

See Dealer.

Mason: A man whose occupation is to lay bricks and stones in walls or structures of any kind.
Matress (Mattress) maker:

See Maker.

Mattress: A quilted bed; a bed stuffed with hair, moss or other soft material, and quilted.

Mechanic: One who works with machines or instruments; a workman or laborer other than agricultural; an artisan; an artificer; more specifically, one who practices any mechanic art; one skilled or employed in shaping and uniting materials, as wood, metal, &c, into any kind of structure, machine, or other object, requiring the use of tools, or instrument.
Merchant: One who traffics or carries on trade: especially upon a large scale; one who buys goods to sell again; any one who is engaged in the purchase and sale of goods; a trafficker; a trader.

One who belongs to the militia.

Militia: The body of soldiers in a state enrolled for discipline, but engaged in actual service only in emergencies, as distinguished from regular troops, whose sole occupation is war or military service.


One whose occupation is to attend a grist-mill.

Grist-mill: A mill for grinding grain; especially, a mill for grinding grists, or portions of grain brought by different customers.

Milliner: A person, usually a woman, who makes and sells head-dresses, hats or bonnets, &c , for women.
Millwright: A mechanic whose occupation is to build mills.
Minister: One who serves at the altar; one who performs sacerdotal duties; the pastor of a church duly authorized or licensed to preach the gospel and administer the sacraments.
Moulder (Molder): One who, or that which, molds or forms into shape.
Nothing: Not any thing; no thing; -- opposed to any thing or something.
Nurse: One who nourishes; a person who supplies food, tends, or brings up; as, (a.) A woman who has the care of young children; especially, one who suckles an infant not her own. (b.) A person, especially a woman, who has the care of sick persons.
On farm: See Farm.
Ornamental Painter:

Ornamental: Serving to ornament; giving additional beauty; embellishing.

Painter: See below.

Painter: One whose occupation is to paint; one skilled in representing things in colors.

Paper Box Mfg. (Manufacturing):

See Manufacturer.
Peddler: One who peddles; a traveling trader; one who carries about small commodities on his back, or in a cart or wagon, and sells them.

Phot. Artist (Photographist):

One who practices, or is skilled in, photography.
Physician: A person skilled in physic or the art of healing; one whose profession is to prescribe remedies for disease.

One who plasters.

Plaster: To overlay or cover with plaster, as the partitions of a house, walls, and the like. A composition of lime, water, and sand, for coating walls and partitions of houses; also, gypsum or plaster of Paris, as used for making ornaments, figures, moldings, and the like.

Plasterer Mason: See Plasterer and Mason.
Plough maker: Plough: A well-known implement for turning up the soil, drawn by animal or other power.
Policeman: One of the ordinary police.
Porter: A man that has the charge of a door or gate; a door-keeper; one who waits at the door to receive messages.
Porter in store: See Porter.
Postmaster: The master of a post; as, (a.) One who has charge of a station for the accommodation of travelers; one who supplies post-horses. (b.) One who has charge of a post-office, and the distribution and forwarding of mails.
Preacher: One who preaches; one who discourses publicly on religious subjects.
Printer: One who prints, impresses, or stamps; especially, one who prints books, newspapers and the like.
Printing: The act, art, or practice of impressing letters, characters, or figures on paper, cloth, or other material; the business of a printer; typography.
Printing-office: A place where books, pamphlets, and the like, are printed.

R.R. Agt. ( Agent ):

R.R. Clerk Railroad agt. (Agt. / Agent )

See Agent.

See Clerk.

Railroad: A road or way on which iron rails are laid for wheels to run on, for the conveyance of heavy loads in vehicles.
Restaurant: An eating-house.
Retail Dealer:

Retail: The sale of commodities in small quantities or parcels, or at second hand.

See Dealer.

Retail grocer: See Retail and Grocer.
Retail liquor d./ Retail liquor dealer:

See Dealer.


1. Any liquid or fluid substance, as water, milk, blood, sap, juice, and the like.

2. Especially, alcoholic or spiritous fluid, either distilled or fermented; a decoction, solution, or tincture.

Retail liquor store:

See Liquor and Retail.


1. A place of deposit for large quantities; a store house; a ware- house; a magazine.

2. Hence, any place where goods are sold, whether by wholesale or retail.

Saddler: One whose occupation is to make saddles.
Sailor: One who follows the business of navigating ships or other vessels; one who understands the management of ships in navigation; a mariner; a seaman.
Sawyer: One whose occupation is to saw timber into planks or boards, or to saw wood for fuel.
School teacher: One who teaches or instructs a school.
Seamstress: A woman whose occupation is sewing; a needle-woman.
Servant: One who serves, or does service, voluntarily or involuntarily; a person who is employed by another for menial offices, or for other labor, and is subject to his command; a person who labors or exerts himself for the benefit of another, his master or employer; a subordinate helper.
Service: The act of serving; the occupation of a servant; the performance of labor for the benefit of another, or at another's command; attendance of an inferior, or hired helper, or slave, &c., on a superior, employer, master, or the like; also, spiritual obedience.
Setting type: Set: To put in type; as, to set up a page of copy; to arrange in words, lines, &c., ready for printing; as, to set up type.
Sewing: The act or occupation of sewing using the needle.
Sewing machine agt. (Agent):

Sewing machine: A machine for reducing the labor of sewing by hand.

See Agent.

Shoe Maker/ Shoemaker: One whose occupation or trade is to make shoes and boots.

1. A building in which goods, wares, drugs, &c., are sold by retail.

2. A building in which mechanics work.

Sportsman: One who pursues the sports of the field; one who hunts, fishes, and fowls.
Stone cutter:: One whose occupation is to cut or hew stone.
Stone mason: A mason who works or builds in stone.

Supertender (Superintender):

One who superintends; a superintendent. Superintendent: One who has the oversight and charge of something, with the power of direction; as, the superintendent of an alms-house or work house; the superintendent of public works; the superintendent of customs or finance.
Tailor: One whose occupation is to cut out and make men's garments.
Teach/Teacher/Teaching: One who teaches or instructs, or one whose business or occupation is to instruct others; an instructor; a tutor.

One who drives a team.

Team: Two or more horses, oxen, or other beasts harnessed together to the same vehicle for drawing, as to a coach, chariot, wagon, cart, sled, sleigh, and the like.

Tel. Operator (Telegraph Operator / Electro-magnetic telegraph ): A telegraph in which an operator at one station causes words or signs to be recorded or exhibited at another by means of a current of electricity, generated by a battery, and transmitted over an intervening wire.
Teller in bank: Teller: An officer of a bank, who counts over money received, and pays it out on checks.

1. One who works in the tin mines.

2. One who works in tin ware; a tinman.


1. A plant, a native of America, of the genus Nicotiana, much used for smoking and chewing, and in snuff. As a medicine, it is narcotic, emetic, and cathartic. Tobacco has a strong, peculiar smell, and an acrid taste.

2. The leaves of the plant prepared for smoking, chewing, &c, by being dried, and manufactured in various ways.

Tob. Dealer/Tobacco dealer: See Tobacco and Dealer.
Tob. Manufactuer/Tob. Manufacturer/Tobacco manfac/tobacco manufacturer: See Tobacco and Manufacturer.
Tobacco warehouse: See Tobacco and Warehouse.



A dealer in tobacco; also, a manufacturer of tobacco.
Traveling agt.

Possibly a Traveler:

1. One who travels in any way.

2. Specifically, a commercial agent who travels for the purpose of receiving orders for merchants, making collections and the like.

Wagoner: One who conducts a wagon; a wagon-driver.
Waiter: One who waits; an attendant; a servant in attendance.

Waiter at hotel: Waiting House: Waits in house: Waits on house:

See Waiter.
Warehouse: A storehouse for goods.
Ware house hand: See Warehouse and Hand
Wash woman/ Washer woman/ Washes/Washing: A woman who washes clothes for others, or for hire.
Watchman: One who guards the streets of a city or building by night.
Welldigger: As for Wellborer: One who digs or bores for water; one who makes wells.
Wheel wright: A man whose occupation it is to make wheels and wheel-carriages, as carts and wagons.
Wife: The lawful consort of a man; a woman who is united to a man in wedlock; -- correlative of husband.
Wood cutter:

1. A person who cuts wood.

2. One who makes wood-cuts; an engraver on wood.

Work: To exert one's self for a purpose; to put forth effort for the attainment of an object; to labor; to operate; to be engaged in the performance of a task, a duty, or the like.

Work in Tob: Work in tobacco: Works in tob: Works in tobacco: Works in tobacco factory:

See Work, Tobacco and Factory.

Work on farm: Working on farm: Works at home farm laborer: Works on a farm:

See Work, Farm , Laborer.

Working in factory: Works at factory: Works factory:Works in a factory: Works in fac Works in factory:

See Work, Factory

Works at brick yard: Works brickyard: Works in brick: Works in brick yard: Works in brickyd:

See Work, Brick, Brickyard
Works in box factory: Works in box shop: See Work, Box, Factory, Shop.
Works in carriage factory: See Work, Carriage, Factory
Works in Jewellery (Jewelry): Jewels in general; the art or trade of a jeweler.
Works in marble: See Marble.
Works in printing/printing office: See Printer or Printing-Office.
Works in restaurant: See Restaurant.
Works in sack factory:

Sack: A bag for holding and carrying goods of any kind; a receptacle made of some kind of pliable materials, as cloth, leather, or the like; a large pouch.

See Factory.

Works in snuff factory:

Pulverized tobacco or other substance, taken, or prepared to be taken, into the nose.

See Factory.

Works in warehouse: See Warehouse.
Works on railroad: See Railroad. · About this site · Copyright © 2001 - 2006. Trudi J. Abel. All Rights Reserved.