
Medical Terms

Billious Fever:

Pertaining to the bile; disordered in respect to the bile; as a bilious patient ; dependent on an excess of bile; as, bilious temperament; bilious symptoms.

Bile: 1.A yellow, greenish, bitter, viscid, nauseous fluid secreted by the liver.

2.Bitterness of feeling ; ill-humor; as, to stir one's bile.

Fever: A diseased state of the system, marked by increased heat, acceleration of the pulse, and a general derangement of the functions. Many diseases, of which fever is the most prominent symptom, are denominated fevers; as, typhoid fever; yellow fever.

Consumption: A gradual decay or diminution of the body; especially, the disease called phthisis pulmonalis (pulmonary consumption), a disease seated in the lungs, attended with a hectic fever, cough &c.
Deaf: Wanting the sense of hearing either wholly or in part; unable to perceive sounds.
Diarrhea: A morbidly frequent evacuation of the intestines; a relax; a flux.

An unnatural collection of serous fluid in any cavity of the body; or in the areolar texture. Serous:

1. Thin; watery; like whey; -- said of that part of the blood which separates in coagulation from the grumous or red part; also, of the fluid which lubricates a serous membrane.

2. Pertaining to serum.

Areolar: Pertaining to, or like, an areola.

Areola: An interstice, or small space.

Dysentery: Inflammation of the rectum or colon, attended with griping pains, constant desire to evacuate the bowels, and to discharges of mucus and blood.
Fever: See Billious Fever.
Hernia: A tumor of some part, which has escaped its natural cavity by some aperture, and projects externally; as, hernia of the brain, of the thorax, of the abdomen. That of the abdomen is most common, and consists of the protrusion of the viscera through natural or accidental apertures in the cavity of the abdomen.
Maimed and crippled: (Maim) To deprive of a necessary part; to cripple; to disable.
Maimed, crippled, bedridden: Confined to the bed by age or infirmity.
Measels, Measles:

A contagious febrile disorder, commencing with catarrhal symptoms, and marked by the appearance on the third day of an eruption of distinct red circular spots, which coalesce in a crescentic form, are slightly raised above the surface, and after the fourth day of the eruption gradually decline.

Febrile: Pertaining to fever; indicating fever or derived from it; as febrile symptoms; febrile action.

Catarrhal: Pertaining to catarrh, or produced by it. Catarrh: A discharge of fluid from the mucous membrane, especially of the nose, fauces, and bronchial passages, caused by a cold in the head. It is attended with cough, thirst, lassitude, and watery eyes.

Fauces: The posterior part of the mouth, terminated by the pharynx and larynx.

Crescentic: Crescent-shaped.

Minengitis (Meningitis): Inflammation of the membranes of the brain or spinal cord.
Nephritis: An inflammation of the kidneys.
Paralysis: Abolition of function, whether complete or partial; -- usually applied to the loss of voluntary motion, with or without that of sensation, in any part of the body; palsy.
Pneuralgia (Neuralgia): A disease, the chief symptom of which is a very acute pain, exacerbating or intermitting, which follows the course of a nervous branch, extends to its ramifications, and seems therefore to be seated in the nerve.
Pulmonary: Pertaining to the lungs; affecting the lungs; as, a pulmonary disease or consumption; the pulmonary artery.

A constitutional disease, generally hereditary, which affects the lymphatic glands, oftenest those of the neck; but no organ is exempt from its influence, and it frequently develops in pulmonary consumption; king's evil; struma.

King's evil: A disease of the scrofulous kind, formerly supposed to be healed by the touch of a king.

Struma: The same as SCROFULA, q.v.


1. Affected with, or attended by, nausea; inclined or inclining to vomit; as, sick at the stomach; a sick headache.

2. Affected with disease of any kind; ill; indisposed; not in health; -- followed by of; as, to be sick of a fever.

Sunstroke: Any affection produced by the action of the sun on some region of the body; especially, a sudden prostration of the physical powers, with symptoms resembling those of apoplexy, occasioned by exposure to excessive heat, and often terminating fatally; coup de soleil; siriases.
Typhoid fever:

Typhoid: Of, pertaining to, or resembling, typhus; like typhus of a low grade; as typhoid fever.

Typhus: A continuous fever lasting from two to three weeks, and attended with great prostration and cerebral disorder.

Whooping Cough: A violent, convulsive cough, returning at longer or shorter intervals consisting of several expirations, followed by a sonorous inspiration or whoop; chin-cough; hooping cough. · About this site · Copyright © 2001 - 2006. Trudi J. Abel. All Rights Reserved.