About this site | Overview | Funding

The Digital Durham project has received support from:

NC ECHO, a digital initiative of the State Library of North Carolina

Master of Arts in Liberal Studies Program (MALS)

Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library

Dean of Trinity College

Center for Instructional Technology

Department of History

Undergraduate Writing Program

Office of Service Learning

North Carolina Humanities Council


In 1999 and 2000, Trudi Abel, Ph.D. received a grant from Duke University's Center for Instructional Technology to design and develop a website of primary source materials from Durham in the post-Civil War period. With funding from the Dean of Trinity College in 2001, Dr. Abel and her student researchers developed a beta-version of the Digital Durham website that featured an 1880 census database and a few examples of primary documents. Duke students tested the site in an undergraduate research seminar on the New South and in Helen McLeod's eighth-grade classroom at the Durham School of the Arts during the spring of 2001, 2002, and 2006.

In 2005, Duke University's Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library received a NC ECHO digitization grant from the State Library of North Carolina to support the expansion of the Digital Durham website. The Digital Production Center at Perkins Library digitized over 1000 images taken from manuscript letters, maps, ephemera, photographs, and printed works. Programmers from the Web Solutions Team of Arts & Sciences Information Science and Technology and Hueism Inc. created a new website with a search interface. A team of graduate students from the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies Program worked together with Kathy Wisser from NC ECHO and Dr. Abel to create TEI transcriptions of the manuscript letters.

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